left side
Items 1 - 10 of 27
The Minigolf Starterset for the children
The Minigolf Starterset Top with a professional putter for both sides
The Minigolf Starterset Top with a professional putter for both sides
Very robust and basic Miniature Golf Putter
Ideal for taking it with you:
from short (54cms) to full lenght (variable, max 93cm) in a second
Basic Miniature Golf Putter with crosshair
Good and economic standard Minigolf Putter for both sides with rubber
Competition Class Minigolf Club for two sides at a bargain price
Minigolf Putter Luzern and Minigolf Ball Berofit yellow
Kombiset: Minigolf putter and Minigolf Ball Set Berofit Tournament Quality
Items 1 - 10 of 27