A top level curling shoe
You are looking for a toplevel curling shoe? With traditional design? A leather shoe?
Then have a closer look at the Olson Genesis!!
The Olson Genesis is an insider tip. In Europe Olson is virtually unknown, ignoring the fact that they are one of the oldest curling equipment producers in Canada.
This classic leather curling shoe has a competition level 1/4" (6,4 mm) slider with all extras built in. The slider is splitted, i.e. it consists of two parts and the slider part below the front foot is a perimeter slider, i.e. with a "hole" in the center. If this sounds familiar to you: yes, the slider of the most widly used top level competition curling shoe, the BalancePlus Delux uses these "holes" too. On top, the slider is built as hinged slider, which means that when the shoe is bent while sliding, the slider stays completely on the ice. What has been looked upon with frowns a few years ago, when this feature came out with the BalancePlus Delux and the Ultima, is now a standard feature in the top class.
The insole has a memory sole for best comfort and of course this shoe is built for dealing with cold temperatures. For the gripper side Olson uses a built-in version of their famous hexa gripper.
The Features of the Olson Genesis in Overview
- upper leather
soft toe made from full grain leather
- fast 1/4" (6,4 mm) slider
- split perimeter slider built as hinged slider
- insole with memory foam
- gripper side with a built-in hexa gripper
Extraordinary price for this top level curling shoe
Product safety information
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Which gripper size for my shoe size?
We offer many different grippers in many different sizes.
Together with our huge range of curling shoes, this gives an enormous amount of possible combinations.
Please use the tables on the product pages of the various gripper models. They contain the official recommendations of the labels for best fit.
>Most grippers have a variant "fit to shoe" - choose this variant and we will fit the gripper to the shoe.
Some retailers offer shoes with grippers, forcing you to buy and pay for a gripper even if you don't need one. Shoe and gripper in one price means the gripper is factored in.
There is no such thing as a free gripper, there are only retailers who force you to buy a gripper if you want to buy a shoe.
Skeki will never force you to order a gripper when buying a shoe.
There are only exceptions where a brand, such as Asham for some models, already includes the gripper ex works and this is included in our(!) purchase price.
With our Skeki system you not only save, but you also have the advantage of being able to freely choose your favorite gripper.
Which gripper type should I choose?
Some dealers offer shoes including a gripper forcing you to buy and pay for a gripper, even if you don't need one. Bundling a shoe with a gripper makes you always pay for the gripper, even if it is "included" in the price.
At Skeki, we never force you to order a gripper. An exception is made only if the label, like Asham in some shoe models, puts the gripper already with the shoe during production and our buying price already includes the gripper.
With the Skeki system you not only save money, but you have the advantage, to be free to choose which type of gripper you like.
Usually most grippers fit to all shoes.
There are a few recommendations concerning exceptions:
- Asham Rotator prefers Asham grippers, other grippers are often not wide enough to cover the round slider. One exception: Goldline Quantum gripper fits as well.
- Goldline Quantum has it's own gripper for optimum fit, but works well with other grippers.
- For Goldline's G50 series we follow Goldline recommendation to use Goldline wide gripper.
As a general rule we recommend to take the gripper from the same label as the shoe.
On the product pages for the grippers you will find tables for matching the gripper size to the shoe size.
Gripper - Anti-Slider
Every producer of grippers has his own way - therefor Skeki offers a wide range for your choice.
BalancePlus Gripper
Very robust and strong
BalancePlus Gripper Lefty
BP has a special gripper for lefthanders
BalancePlus Gripper Pink
Not always black?
Olson Hexa Gripper
Very robust and many colours.
Goldline Gripper
The standard anti-slider. A bit softer than BP grippers.
Goldline Wide (Quantum) Gripper
Goldline's Gripper wide are a bit wider at the front. They also fit perfectly to G50.
Asham Rotator Gripper
Fits perfectly to the Asham shoe.
Skeki Gripper Bundle
2 Grippers (left&right) at a special price
Also for more safety in winter time.
How to find my shoe size
There a many systems to measure shoe sizes and that makes it irritating.
These points help in understanding how they work
- shoe sizes are not exact lenghts but rather segments between 1 and 2 cms depending on the system
- for curling shoes look for US M (Athl.) and US W (Athl.)
In our shoe size table its the lines with the blue border
- if a curling shoe has inlays, it is more flexible in terms of fitting
- if in doubt always go for the larger size
- shoe shops offer different inlay sole which help you fit
- winter socks need room too
- if a shoe model is reported by our customers a too big or too small, you will find that in the text of the shoe.
The same goes the other way round: if you dont find a remark in the product text, we havent heard anything about misfits.
Here comes a small graphics from Claus Färber, which helps to translate the various systems.

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