standard (90-95cm)
Items 1 - 10 of 23
Here comes the free choice for your personal mini golf equipment - choose and save
.The Minigolf Starterset at a discount price
Besides the putter there is a minigolfball "Skeki Blue", a ball pickup and two bags - one for the putter and one for the balls.
Minigolf Putter Luzern and Minigolf Ball Berofit yellow
Luzern Mini Golf Putter, "Berofit yellow" Mini golf Ball, Ball Pickup and a bag for the Putter
Luzern Mini Golf Putter and a lot of Premium Accessories
Minigolf putter Luzern and ball set Standard
Minigolf putter Luzern and ball set Standard
Minigolf putter Luzern and ball set Standard
Kombiset: Minigolf putter and Minigolf Ball Set Berofit Tournament Quality
Kombiset: Minigolf putter and Minigolf Ball Set Berofit Tournament Quality
Items 1 - 10 of 23